MATRIX 801 Series 3
Floor-standing loudspeaker system
Product Summary
The Matrix 801 features a system that delivers the demanding range of frequency and
dynamic responses required in a studio environment. Launched in 1979, it quickly
established itself as the definitive studio reference monitor - with more than 80% of the
classical recordings monitored through the Matrix 801.
To deliver low frequency acoustic output, the bass driver must disperse a significant amount of
air. The Matrix 801 has a highly linear, high efficiency motor system which delivers the long
throw and symmetrical field required to produce an outstanding low frequency response. As a
home Hi-Fi Monitor it is without equal.
Technical highlights
Kevlar®: B&W developed and patented the method of using Kevlar® for
loudspeaker cones to reduce unwanted standing waves. DuPont originally
created Kevlar® for use in bulletproof vests.
Tweeter on top: B&W 's Tweeter on top technology ensures that the sound
remains focused and time-sensitive and that the stereo-image is presented
with unparalleled three dimensional accuracy.
Matrix: The basic construction of nearly all loudspeakers is exactly the same -
panels of wood-based materials, bonded to form a rectangular box. B&W
studied and evaluated how each aspect of cabinet behaviour and the
efficiency of various materials and construction methods affects sound.
De scrip tio n
Drive Un its
3 way vented-box system
50W – 300W into 8 ohms on
unclipped programme
Po w e r Ha n d lin g
Dim e n sio n s
Fin ish
1 x 25mm metal dome - high frequency
1 x 126mm Kevlar® - midrange
1 x 300mm Cobex® - bass
Height: 1008mm W idth: 432mm
Depth: 560mm
Fre q u e n cy Re sp o n se 32Hz – 20kHz ± 3dB on reference axis
Se n sitivity 87dB spl(2.83V 1m)
N o m in a l Im p e d a n ce 8 ohms (minimum 4 ohms)
Black Ash, Walnut, Rosewood.
Grille: Black Cloth
B&W Loudspeakers Ltd reserves the right to amend details of the specifications without notice in line with technical developments. E & OE. All trademarks acknowledged.
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